The Horses



Sister is 16yrs old and is the matriarch of the herd. She is in charge of everybody and they all know it! She LOVES attention and to be brushed, petted, talked to, and given treats. She will talk to you and let you know just how much she appreciates it, too!



Flash is our class clown and also a practical joker! He is 13yrs old. He loves to chew on fence boards, posts, stall fronts, salt block pans…basically anything that is nailed down. He enjoys going for rides and, of course, getting ALL the treats!

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Rambo is our 7yr old and is everyone’s best friend! He enjoys putting his entire head into the center of a round bale to “dive for the good stuff” or putting his nose onto literally everything that is within his reach, whenever possible. He looks forward to meeting as many people as he can!